Behavioral Health Services near Oak Brook, IL

Behavioral Services Center Mental Health Services

There are many reasons why people seek out a psychologist for private or group therapy. 

Many times it is to address what may be going wrong in life. However, life is filled with positive and negative moments. Therefore, it is a good idea to seek counseling to enhance the good in one’s life as well.

No matter what type of adversity or discomfort you may be experiencing, we will match you up with one of our experienced clinicians or one of our weekly group therapy sessions to support and guide you through your hardship. 

Take the first step to either improve and enhance your quality of life! 

How do I start services?

The Mental Health Treatment Program must begin with an initial Mental Health intake evaluation. Once the initial evaluation is complete, the patient may begin Mental Health group therapy sessions, medication management, or individual therapy with one of our many clinicians. 

Does insurance cover my services?

At Behavioral Services Center, we want our therapy services to be as accessible as possible. That’s why we accept private and public insurance, including Medicaid- with the exception Medicare. In order to make sure that your insurance will cover our services, please give us a call at (847) 673-8577.

 We also accept self pay clients without insurance, and offer discounts for those with low income.